Setting Up the Character

Configure Character State:

Head to your character's setup and drag and drop the scriptable object PushPull into the animal states list. Arrange it in the order you need within the list.

Modify State:

Modify the state settings as per your requirements. Set the input that will activate the state for push and pull actions.

Ensure Tag Matching:

Double-check that the tags used to identify the object's state in the character's scriptable object match the ones set up in the PushPullObject script.

Adjust Ray Height:

Ensure that the height of the ray used for detecting the object can reach the object. Adjust the raycast distance if necessary.

Animator Controller Configuration:

Copy Sub-State with Transition:

Navigate to the animator controller in the project folder of your character. Copy the sub-state containing the transition related to push and pull actions.

Paste into Character's Animator Controller:

Paste the copied sub-state into the animator controller of your character. Ensure that the State ID in the transition matches and is unique within the controller.

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