bool debugCheckForEnterBottom
Enables debugging for bottom entry detection.
bool canEnterFromBottom
Allows entering the climb state from the ground using player input.
Vector3 enterCheckOriginOffset
Offset for the origin of the bottom detection SphereCasts.
float enterCheckHeightOffset
Height offset applied to SphereCasts for bottom detection.
float enterCheckDistance
Distance for bottom detection SphereCasts.
float enterCheckSphereRadius
Radius of the SphereCast used for bottom entry detection.
int enterCheckSphereNum
Number of SphereCasts performed during bottom entry detection.
bool debugCheckForEnterTop
Enables debugging for top entry detection.
Vector3 enterTopOffset
Offset for detecting climb points on the top edge.
float enterTopRayLength
Length of the raycast for detecting edge climb points.
float enterTopRadius
Radius of the raycast used for detecting climbable edges.
bool debugCheckForEnterJump
Enables debugging for jump entry detection.
float jumpEnterSphereRadius
Radius of the SphereCast used for detecting climb points during jumps.
float jumpEnterCastDistanceFromJump
Distance of the SphereCast used for detecting climb points in mid-air.
Vector3 jumpEnterCastOffsetFromJump
Offset for SphereCast during jump detection.
bool debugCheckWallProximity
Enables debugging for wall proximity detection.
bool ignoreWallSlopeDetection
If enabled, the state will ignore wall slope detection.
float maxWallSlope
Maximum slope angle for walls that can be climbed.
Vector3 wallDetectionOffset
Offset for the start position of wall detection raycasts.
float raycastWallDistance
Distance for detecting walls during climbing.
float transitionSpeed
Speed of transitions between wall proximity values.
float originShift
Adjusts the origin of wall proximity checks.
Vector2 checkWallBelowOffset
Offset values for checking walls below the character.
bool debugCheckWithOverlapSphere
Enables debugging for ledge jump detection.
float climbThreshold
Maximum distance to allow automatic jumping between climb points.
float behindSphereCastRadius
Radius of the SphereCast used for detecting climb points behind the character.
FloatReference jumpSphereCastDistance
Distance for detecting climb points during jumps.
bool debugCheckForExitTop
Enables debugging for exit detection at the top of a climb.
Vector3 exitOffset
Offset for the origin position of exit raycasts.
float exitCheckUpLength
Distance of upward raycasts for exit detection.
float exitCheckForwardDistance
Distance of forward raycasts for narrow spaces.
float exitCheckDownDistance
Distance of downward raycasts for exit detection.
float forOffsetExitToGround
Forward offset for detecting exit points near the ground.
float distanceExitToGround
Distance to detect ground for exiting the climb state.
bool debugCheckIfOnClimbpoint
Enables debugging for detecting if the character is on a climb point.
bool ignoreClimbpointCheck
Disables climb point presence checks.
float ledgeProximityMaxDistance
Maximum proximity distance to detect nearby climb points.
float ledgeProximityForwardOffset
Forward offset for SphereCast when detecting nearby climb points.
float ledgeProximitySphereRadius
Radius of SphereCast for detecting nearby climb points.